Saturday, March 24, 2012

At the DSRA Leadership Retreat (Diamond State Reading Association).  So much fun last night!  SCR (Sussex Council for Reading) won the scavenger hunt last night!!Lots of great ideas flowing again this morning.  If you are a teacher in Delaware please contact me to join these fabulous councils that prompt literacy.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Where did my weekend go?

Ok so I worked like crazy yesterday on the computer getting different classroom things created and downloaded.  Somehow time slipped away and we didn't make it to the grocery store so no Cloud Dough was made.  It is on my "To Do" list.  I did however finish making sight word practice sheets for all of the sight words on our series, (Treasure from MacMillian).  Not sure how to show the image yet but here is the link.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sorry I am just starting this blogging thing.  The Cloud Dough pic and recipe are thanks to Juggling With Kids.
Exploring Pintrest (again lol), what else am I going to do on a Friday nigth while the hubby watches "Ancient Aliens" and the kids are in bed. So I found a post for Cloud Dough. I can't wait to add this to my sensory tub next week at school. I will post pics!

It calls for 8 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil.  You are suppose to mix it for a few minutes (3 to 5) until it will hold together when squeezed.

Definately a cheap item to mix up for the sensory tub.
Wow!  Its hard to believe that the school year is almost 3/4 of the way through.  Thankful that we had the afternoon to work in our classrooms during today's inservice.  I was able to refurbish some of my mini offices and get some new graphing and tally mark posters created.